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Thursday 5 May 2016

Beatrix potter Themed letter

This is a story for children that is told in my country but many books have been translated and sold worldwide? I thought it would be lovely for you to experience this and you may not have heard of Beatrix Potter 23 books . In 18 93 Beatrix wrote a postcard with drawings to a her governess son called Noel who was poorly. The story from the postcard you have a copy of was made into stories and then into a series of books with varied characters. These book become one of the most famous book children's book in the world . The postcard reads : My dear noël I don't know what to write to you but I shall tell you a story about 4 little rabbits and there names were flopsy, mopsy and cottontail and peter . They lived with there mother in a sandbank under the root of a big fir tree. In 1930 hill top farm was bought with funds from her books and this is where Beatrix would write her story's and share her inspirations through her storybooks . Beatrix potter was a very gifted water colourist , story writer , and a prize winning sheep farmer . Beatrix Potter from a child to a young woman was ever curious about her surroundings and and she used this positivity to create these charming little tales. As a young child she was very well travelled and had a passion for things that caught her eye. Beatrix would draw the surrounding nature and had a fond love for animals , foliage and fauna. Through her parents they had connections with artists so therefore she was able to mix with these people . Much of Beatrix time was spent at home but upstairs in the house where she would learn . Beatrix didn't go to school so she mixed with hardly any children with the exception of her younger brother Bertram. One of the many reasons for drawing animals was because her patents were strict and she wasn't allowed animals or pets. At home both her and her brother kept mice, rabbits , hedgehogs collections of butterflies and insects. These were smuggled into the house by her and her brother with help of her governess . Around her were wondrous mountainous areas and valleys and she lived close the biggest lakes in the United Kingdom called lake Windermere . The area was a very vivid green and filled with wildlife and foliage and beautiful valleys. 
The first bunny to be drawn in fact was Benjamin bunny and not Peter Rabbit and then she did a collection of stories involving other characters . Gradually with property and farmland she bought she was able to leave a legacy of 15 farms and the sum of 4000 acres of land to the national trust . This was set with instructions of conservation of the land and the famous Herdwick flocks . That way people couldn't come and build on the land and now many people flock to visit this area from all over the world . I hope you like this story I have sent you. Maybe you can tell me about famous story's that you know Sending all our love and hugs my little princess Kelin . I hope you are able to tell your family the story especially if you have younger siblings or cousins but her creative artistic illustrations are beautiful kelin xx
We love you with all our Hearts and you will always be our daughter across the miles 
With all our love and hugs my darling from. sonia , jay and Caleb 


These are her first illustrations in the postcard to Noel 

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