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Thursday 9 April 2015

Dates of letters sent and received

Letter sent to Daniela BO571 first letter 27 th March 2015

Letter sent to Nasib 12 April 2015 spoke about fruit , Caleb's competition , Nasib drawing , asked him if he could draw his surroundings ? . Asked how he kept his letter s or whether he keeps his letters 

Letter sent to Chris John  12 April 2015  in the Philippines said jay not feeling well, X-ray, Caleb's Gcse workshop
Caleb's decisions on options . 

Letter sent to Mariam 12 April 2015  talked about the solar eclipse , weather , Mariam asked what sport I liked ...I told her what I liked as a child . Spoke about my daughters x3 and Caleb 

Letter sent to Kalekye 12 April 2015 talked about , education , weather , what her dreams are , where would she like to travel if she had the chance to travel anywhere in the world

Letter sent to Alexander 18 April 2015   Matias from BO introductory letter spoke about Huntingdon, Caleb, daughters , helping in the kitchen favourite food , helping in the kitchen favourite fruit  apple , strawberry's and banana's    

Letter sent to Apokossi 19 April  Togo   an introductory letter about the family , questions asked who would she like me to pray for ?  Does you like drawing ? If you had 3 wishes what would they be ?
What is your fave hobby is ? How many times do you attend the center , spoke about children and grandchildren . Caleb and school, fencing 

Letter sent to Swathi /new correspondent with compassion 19 April  how would you like me to pray for 
Would you be able to send me some photos of you and your family ? 
If you had three wishes what would they be ? 
What's your favourite story ? Spoke about my children and grandchildren , Caleb and school , fencing 

Letter sent to Jorge Luis Lopez Zambrano  sorry for the lateness of the letter 
Last year, talking about daughters , talking about Caleb , Caleb's Gcse , Caleb's favourite sport , fencing comp 

What do you enjoy doing with your parents ? 
What do you enjoy studying ? 
What do you enjoy studying Jorge? 
If you had 3 wishes what would they be ? 

Jhonny Cruz BO413
Introductory letter , lateness of the letter , talked about daughters , talk about Caleb , Caleb's GCSE, Caleb's favourite sport , fencing comp , grandchildren 

What do you enjoy helping your mum with 
What do you like drawing ? 
If you had 3 wishes what would they be ? 
What  do you enjoy studying ?

21/4/2015 -Jhonny Cruz  intro letter 
Tell me about yourself , you will receive more letters , cancer , kids , talked about grandchildren , what do you like to draw ? About the quail factions the girls have , what do you enjoy studying Jhonny ? 
Caleb's options , Caleb's fave sports ,  Caleb's regional competition , what's your favourite sport ? 

21/42015 Jorge Luis Lopez zambrano 
Intro letter , cancer , where we live , about the kids , grandchildren , girls qualifications , Caleb's options, Caleb's fencing , what do you enjoy studying ? What's your favourite sport ? If you had three wishes what would they be ?

26/04/2015 written to Fabiola Lopez today talked about her letter to me received on the 25/04/2015 spoke about Caleb's special needs  a heart felt letter sent  I asked if looking after the cows were difficult /asked what her sisters do in Chile( older sisters Cintya and Aleyda .
part two of the letter to follow in 24 hours as you cant write the letter any longer . I will complete the other letter tomorrow sometime.

26/04 /2015 written to Silvia from TZ 307 spoke about Silvia's examinations  Asked her what 4 subjects she is studying ? spoke about the weather as it was a matter of discussion in hers letter to me. spoke about components' she had studied. Talked about Caleb's options for September and his 4 choices. said she did very well in chemistry good marks , asked what her favourite component she had studied ? what would be your dream career ? asked for some photographs to be sent

26/04/2015 intro to Alijah/ talked about my hobbies , what is her most favourite hobby ? What is her favourite story are they bible stories or any stories? Talked about my children , Cambridge , Do you enjoy going to your compassion center?  Do you have a best friend at the centre  that you play with lots ? Talked about her congenital heart defect , what sort of medicine does she take ? What is it like where you live ? Can you tell me about some of the jobs you help with at home ? 

27th letter sent to Brandoli in Guatemala with mayan families 

30/04/2015 Mayra BO571introductory letter , talked about my favourite hobbies , favourite artists for music . Spoke about Huntingdon, spoke about living near two cities Peterborogh and Cambridge ....spoke about Cambridge .how can I pray for you ? What would you like to do as a career when you leave school and the programme ? 

05/05/2015 Letter sent to Preyanuch from her letter dated the 4 th January received on May the 1st 
Received her Xmas letter /new year told preyanuch about Christmas , told her about my cancer , how my hair is short , birth of the Royal Baby breaking news 

05/05/2015 Maritza ( look like some confusion I couldn't see a letter written even though I have written but did and introductory letter . Said I was unwell last year that could be the possible cause . Asked for forgiveness  about the letter situation . Spoke about daughters and my son. Spoke about Huntingdon and our local country park , 4 churches in town , spoke about researching Catarina ,Caleb's Gcse but didn't mention what he was taking , I will send details next letter about his option choices. What is your favourite subject ? If you had three wishes what would they be ? Do you like stories ? What's your favourite hobby ? Spoke about my hobbies 

05/5/2015 Jorge EC377 talked about receiving his great letter , said about Caleb's team competition , asked him about his siblings , said what I did on my birthday , Royal Princess, Jorge asked about my hobbies from the letter I received on the 1/5/2015. Spoke about my hobbies

 05/5/2015 Yesenia BO571 Sorry for her uncles passing ,  my cancer realised I owe her many letters , said I would write more , talked about her trip to her fathers hometown, How long did she have to look after the fragile Llama ? sorry for the tears her family felt . Do you like music ? have you been enjoying school ?
asked for photos

05/5/2015 Elerandro  how is your cousin ? I hope your getting on well at therapy sessions ? If you had 3 wishes what would they be ? Do you have a special teddy you sleep with ? Talked about Caleb's Teddy's names etc. , what's your favourite toy ? Said I had been unwell 

05/5/2015 yoko (yono)introductory letter, about me being unwell , a little about the kids , girls all live close, description of Huntingdon and the river, jays previous work , my favourite hobby's , music I like , what do you like to study ?Do you have a favourite football player ?, Do you have a favourite player ? Do you play that with lots of friends

05/5/2015 introductory to Lizbeth  , about the princess , about the town ,Do you like Bolivia ? Tell me about your house ? what's your favourite sport ? what's your favourite subject ?what's your most favourite sport ? Do you have a best friend you play with lots ?

11/05/2015 written a letter to Kevin ...and introductory letter asked him about his family etc. ? Talked about what was his favourite football team , what is his favourite footballer ? what music does he like ? spoke about the girls jobs and abbey and grandchildren. do you play football lots with your friends ? do you practice running ? spoke about Caleb's school , my favourite hobbies ?

15/5/2015written a letter to  Ana  

15/5/2015 Wrote to Roland : wrote an introductory letter to Roland about the kids and jay and I . wrote about Caleb's hobbies . wrote about Caleb's fencing and competitions : what Group Games do you like ? what's your favourite Ball game ? Do you have a best Friend ? Said I would send separately some photos of Cars .If you had three wishes what would they be ? Do you have any siblings ? What do you enjoy doing with your parents ?

15/5/2015 Wrote to Jhilmar  Are you enjoying being at the Compassion centre ?what sort of thing do you do whilst your there ? tell me about your family and if you have any siblings ? Spoke about jay and the kids I spoke about the girls Jobs and Caleb and jay : Spoke about our town historical and old and churches . Spoke about the beautiful meadow the largest in England :Jhilmar likes football : what is your favourite Footballer ? Also what is your most favourite football team in the world ?Said about my hobbies . If you had three wishes what would they be Jhilmar ?

16/5/2015 Francisco Israel 

17/5/2015  Letter to Ana introductory letter about the family , About our children  what does she like about brazil? is there anything she doesn't like about brazil ?what do you see when you look out of your window ? what sort of music do you like? If you had three wishes what would they be

18/05/2015  Letter sent to Christian Spoke about reaping food and potatoes,  spoke about his cooking with his sisters Majadito cooking with his sisters. How old are your sisters and what are there names ? what is your most favourite footballer in the world? what is your most favourite footballer in the world? spoke about his best friend Elvis and Roly . Talked about the weather there was torrential rain what was the weather like in Bolivia ? I spoke about how proud I was of him completing your homework . Your such a good boy completing your homework . Caleb chosen options ,
my hobbies , Spoke about Grace and David little Baby Lincoln Have a fabulous birthday

                  Letter sent to  Pablo with Mayan families

24/5/2015 Letter to Fabiola Spoke about her working with animals (cows) and helping her mother
Asked about her elder brother who is 29 with his family . Asked how her sisters Cynthia and Aleida were . Tell me about your friend Yuliza? what do you both do for Fun ? I see you like History what's you favourite historical interest?  Said about Caleb's injury !! Said about the birth of Lincoln to Grace and David spoke about abbey and the kids /riley head teacher certificate . Also spoke about Caleb going to the city with Bronte and Carl

24/05/2015 Letter sent to Monica ,,,spoke about the town , children , grandchildren
what is your favourite sport ? if you have 3 wishes what would they be ? Tell me about where you live? Do you like sport ? spoke about Caleb and school , my hobbies

24/05/2015 Letter sent to Adriana spoke about her Bi monthly study , spoke about Christmas and the time with the grandchildren . Spoke about my cancer last year and therapy's ,Hobbies of mine . what is your goal after achieving school , Do you have a career you would like to follow ? spoke about Elections and jay becoming a councillor . Spoke about Grace and david and baby Lincoln . Always know we love you

04/06/2015 Letter sent to Clarisse Spoke about the town , apology for the lack of letters . Told her I was unwell last year . told her about jays new role in Town . Asked her if she had three wishes what would they be ? what is a favourite subject ? how far is her compassion center from where she lives ?spoke about the town said about our capital spoke about jay being a medical technician before ,spoke about The Great River Ouse How often do you visit your compassion center ? How far is it from where you live ? Do you enjoy school and what is your favourite Subject

04/06/2015 Letter sent to Mishael thanking her for the letters I had received . Apology's for my lack of letters spoke a little about my self to explain what I like and what I like to do .wrote about our nearest cities Peterborough and Cambridge ? spoke about the area we live in ? Can you describe to me where she lives with as much detail ? what do you like about where you live ? if there was anywhere in the world you could visit where would that be ? if  you had three wishes what would they be ? what's your favourite football team ? what do you like to sing ? what's your favourite football team ? what's your favourite player ? what's your favourite style of music ?

04/06/2015 Letter sent to Aime from Bolivia write about myself and my husband and family . spoke about the united kingdom and the spoke about the nearest cities to our town . spoke about the city of Cambridge . Spoke about our town Huntingdon If there was anywhere in the world you would like to live in the world ? what do you like about where you live ? if you had three wishes what would they be ? what's your favourite subject you study at school ?

04/06/2015 Letter sent to Yeabira  Looking forward to learning more about you and your family spoke about jay and myself and our children .spoke about where we live spoke about the organic market . Also spoke about what they sold The history of the Great River Ouse . spoke about Caleb and how well behaved he is . Caleb's hobbies  my favourite hobbies, Do you have a favourite football player ? what's your most favourite football team ? Do you have any siblings ?spoke about my hobbies .

05/06/2015 Letter sent to Yerabati Looking forward to have a good connection , sorry about the lack of letters . Spoke about last year being unwell . spoke about our children , spoke about our family , daughters and partners , what sort of items do you sell ? Do you have any siblings ? spoke about hobbies . what do you like to sing ?what do you like drawing ?if you had three wishes what would they be ?

12 /06/2015 letter sent to Allison

16/06 /2015 Letter sent to Marlyn asking questions about school and replying to her letter about food etc. talked about the civic service etc.
22/06/2015  Letter sent to Nilsa
22/06/2015  Letter sent to Noelia
22/06/2015 Letter sent to Deiby
24 /6/ 2015 Letter sent to Chuchip

26/06/2015 Letter sent to Fausto

                     Letter sent to all the children a themed letter about Rothschild and the Rothschild Giraffe
 01/07/2015  Letter sent to Jhonny just explaining how we all are at the moment and what we are doing

7/2/2015   Phimtaphat        
7/1/2015 Juan Cazas
7/1/2015 Agnes Felina Hariyono
7/1/2015Jhonny Cruz

Jhair Jhoham Perez Suarez 7/5/2015    
Jose Oscar Pari Huaman 7/5/2015            
Elvis Huanca 7/5/2015
   Brayan josue                       7/11/2015

   Sonu                                    07/11/2015

   Allan                                    7/11/2015
Etienne                                   07/12/2015

Teeradej                                  7/12/2015

Febrian                                   7/12/2015
Luis Barranco                         7/12/2015

Bryan valen                             7/15/2015

Angel  C                                 7/20/2015

Angel C                                  7/25/2015

Livia nicoly s s                       7/25/2015

Elerandro                                 7/27/2015

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