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Saturday 6 February 2016

Goodbye letter from Eladia in Mexico

Hello dear Sonia Dyne

I m glad to be able to write you again and greet you. At the same time , I'm a little sad that I have to say goodbye . The reason is because a whole ago I met someone who turned into my boyfriend, the love of my life. His name is Adrian , and we have decided to get married . You might think I'm to young to get married . But I am very sure of what I'm doing . I love Adrian a lot , and I want to start a new life with him, and maybe one day form a family . I am happy but at the same time sad because I won't be able to communicate with you. I Thankyou for your all your love and care, and for everything you did for me. I love you very ,very much . I will always keep you in my thoughts , you were, are and will be my best friend. You are a special person for me . I really appreciate that you were always there for me and I was able to tell you the things I felt and thought. I know you prayed about the little lump I had, and I no longer have anything. I promise to listen to my family , because I know that only god can help me in this new step I am taking in my life. Goodbye Sonia , and I hope that God protects , takes care of you and blesses you . Do not forget me because I never will . Like I've talked my friends , and my parents and my boyfriend about you Sonia. I will also talk a lot about you to my children , my best friend I love you very much 
Forever friends , Sonia Dyne 
I love you . I'll keep you I'm my heart . Do not forget me