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Saturday 11 April 2015

My second child Elerandro

Elerandro was only 4 years old  when I started Sponsoring Him and he comes From Brazil . I sponsored Little Elerandro because he has it was noted his needs were challenging .When a field enquiry was made I found out He had been Mute and his mother had never heard him speak. My very own son has special needs and has receptive and expressive language disorder. Although Caleb wasn't the suffering in the same way. I felt for Elerandro Mother and thought what it wouldn't be like not to hear the words of my very own child. Eventually I enquired lots of times about him and thought of different ways of communicating. He is a charming young little boy and draws cute little pictures that are adorable . From hard work and determination I kept calling about some help Eventually I asked Compassion UK  to do a field enquiry and something special happened. After a while good news came back to me that Compassion were paying for him to see a therapist. In a letter from his Mother and helper they couldn't thank me enough . Elerandro mother said she could never afford to get help like he is having now. Now my little cutie is making progress but still not talking properly. I feel happy to know him and be his sponsor xxx Prevailing hope link gave me inspiration too look out for Elerandro and protect his needs , I always wondered if his situation was anything awful like the video here, I always worried if someone tried to take him how would he call out . The other thing was how does he communicate with his friends . I feel have a special bond with this family even though I've never met them . I hope one day I will get the chance to meet Elerandro and his family and his little baby brother and cousins. Especially I would love to meet his mummy Julia.mi have faith that one day Elerandro s special day will come when he speaks to his mum . I need to keep on praying for his speech to come to him. That will be an incredibly special day
First photo

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