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Monday 28 March 2016

Nancy first letter. ( please excuse how the letter seems to have comeup I will adapt it so it looks better on screen )

Our dearest  little princess Nancy 

I am so happy to get to know and have the greatest honour of sponsoring you My name is Sonia and I 
live in the United Kingdom  and live in a small sleepy town Which has lots of history . Some of it is 
very pretty and the buildings are old but we have new buildings also. We live close to the river and 
during the summer the river twinkles like diamonds in the sunlight . We are close to a beautiful nature 
park which is beautiful in the summer months and during autumn when the leaves change to rustic 
reds , browns and yellows . Our local church is very pretty which is in the centre of town and has 
beautiful stained glass windows that looks beautiful in the summer as the rays of light shine through 
I live with my husband  jay and we have three daughters and one son . Our daughters names and ages 
 are Abbey (27 )Bronte (24 ) and Imogen (21 ) have all grown up and left home . But out son Caleb 
still Lives at home with us and we are very blessed to have him . Caleb is a kind and compassionate
 boy and he is 14 years old and attend our local secondary school which specialises in sport . Caleb is 
real sports fan and loves basketball , fencing , cricket , baseball and loves to swim . I look forward 
to hearing all about what you enjoy doing  and  also about your little sister Adita . What do you and 
your sister love to do ? and what do you like to play with ?  Do you have a favourite toy . Do you 
watch tv very much ? if so what are your favourite programmes and characters in films or tv . I don't 
work as I have disabilities that prevent me from working but my husband used to work as a medic
 Which is a little like a paramedic so I'm in the best hands.  At the moment he has taken time out of 
work to look after me at home . My interests are watching tv and I watch lots with my son and my 
grandchildren who are Riley age  9, Oliver age 6 and  Evie -Mai aged 3 .We spend much of our week
 with the children as my eldest daughter works. So we watch lots of Disney films plus Dora , Princess
 Sofia , Tinker-bell , Disney Princesses and many more . I love  photography  , media , learning about 
other countries , art , and I like to learn . During the summer I like to watch the formation of clouds 
whilst sitting in the garden as I'm interested in clouds. In the evening I like to see the stars . 
Sometimes at night we see so many stars in the sky and the look so beautiful as they twinkle like
 diamonds.  I love writing  and I write to many people all over the world .I have just started to colour
 for relaxation  some beautiful adult colouring books which has lots of animals in . My favourite wild 
animal is an Elephant and a giraffe they are both so beautiful and majestic. My favourite pet animals 
are rabbits but I don't have any although I used too have some . I have some cuddly toys that my son 
got me and one is an Elephant with its baby and I have a bear called oscar . Do you have a favourite 
snuggle toy you like  to cuddle at night ?Do you have a favourite wild animal ?  Do you have any 
pets ? If you had 3 wishes my beautiful little star what would you wish for ? 
We want you to know Nancy that we love you very much and we will pray for your family . We will 
always be proud if your goals and achievements as you grow. You will always be a big part of our 
family's lives even though you are far away . May God bless you Nancy  and always know you will 
be in our hearts and thoughts . Sending all our love and hugs to you our little princess and shining star
 and to your sister Adita and your beautiful family with all our love and bug hugs Sonia , jay and 
caleb xxxx

PS maybe you would love some themed letters so you can learn about animals xx

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