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Saturday 16 May 2015

Letter to Israel

Dearest Little Israel
I am so happy to receive your profile and learn a little about you and I cant wait to get to know you and your family . I see that you live at home with your mummy and daddy and you have siblings. what are the names of your siblings ? I Read that you run errands for you mummy and daddy.  What do you have to do ? My name is Sonia and I am 46 and I live with my husband who is 45 years old and our Son Caleb who is 13 years old. We also have three daughters who's names and ages are Abbey (25yrs) Bronte (23yrs ) and Imogen (20 years ) . We live in the United Kingdom in a small market town of Huntingdon . The town is very pretty with a mixture of old and new buildings and the town has two churches either end of the town that are very beautiful especially when the sunlight shines through the stained glass windows. We live a 10 - 15 minute walk from the River which is called the Great River Ouse its very pretty when its sunny as the water sparkles in the sunlight. Sometimes you see lots of Ducks and Swans also lots of Dragonfly's that fly and dart across the top of the sparkling water. what do you enjoy doing at your compassion centre Israel ? What do you enjoy at Bible school ? Always know Israel you will be a man of God and God will always love you if you grow up and learn to love God. Always know we will be proud of what you do at school and we will think of you and your family at all times We love you Israel and you are very precious to our family. Your mummy and daddy must be very proud of you Israel. I see you love playing soccer , cars and Running . what is your favourite soccer / football team ? Do you have a very favourite soccer/ Football  player ? I really like your Football player in Brazil called Neymar, and Ronaldinho, Hulk, Thiago Silva ,Rivaldo they  are  amazing footballer. Do you like Neymar ?  There are some very famous Footballers in Brazil and they are my favourite team in the world. I love there skills and during the world cup I fly the English flag and the Brazilian Flag. I also have a Brazilian Mug that I drink my cups of tea from. Do you like playing with little  cars ? Have you ever heard of Hot wheels ? My son when he was younger used to play with Hot wheel cars. We still love Cars and my son and his daddy love cars. Last year we went to a car show and see lots of old and new cars . I will send you some photos . Well I hope to hear from you very soon and could you send me some photographs Also do you like to draw perhaps you could draw a car for me or a footballer for me. I would adore that , well I hope to hear from you soon with all our love and big hugs from Sonia , jay and Caleb xxxxxxx

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