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Tuesday 5 May 2015

Letter to Elerandro and Yesenia my sponsored children

To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Letter Pt. 2 Hello my darling Elerandro !! I am so sorry to hear you have been very poorly with a worm crisis . I hope that you are starting to feel much better now you have medication to help you . Elerandro I hope your therapy is going well ? what sort of thing do you have to do when you see the therapist ? I was hoping to ask you if you and mummy could send me some more photos of you . So I can display them in my home . Your mummy is very blessed to have such a beautiful boy like yourself . what does your little brother look like and what is his name ? what do you like to do now Elerandro as a hobby now your a little older ? Did I tell you my son Caleb affectionately calls you his little brother and I think of you all as our extended family. I was so very proud to see your lovely drawing it was beautiful what you did for me . I am so privileged to have you in our lives . Juliana I imagine you are so proud of Elerandro as everything must be difficult without being able to have the component of communication . Does Elerandro do sign language ? I am better Juliana and thankyou for thinking of me and I wonder if you could pray for me ? I had a lumpectomy to remove to cancerous mass I am lucky because god is Good and he has given me the strength to fight the cancer . Like you say the victory is mine .. I correspond with over 85 children with compassion. I also help other children all of the world . I thought it would be good to set up a prayer sibling so I can get another boy of you age Elerandro to pray and learn about each other..Sending all our love , Hug and a big kiss from Sonia , jay and Caleb xxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne

To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
letter pt. 1 , I wish you and your family well my darling . Always know we love you and I was so happy to receive your letter with your beautiful drawing your such a clever little boy. My son Caleb affectionately calls you his little brother which I think is very sweet .Elerandro It must be very difficult for you Elerandro with learning ,reading and learning to talk but we are so very proud of you. Caleb struggles with aspects of learning and communication but not severe as Elerandro issues. The one good thing Elerandro and Juliana is that he is a very good boy with amazing manners and he is very kind to people . We really hope one day we will get the chance to come and see you one day it would be so nice if you had three wishes Elerandro, what do you think they would be Juliana ? what do you enjoy doing now Elerandro and how is the compassion center helping you . Are you still seeing the therapist ? if you are how is that working at the moment . you look like you are getting so big now in your photo You will achieve so much one day Elerandro and God always loves you and you will become a man of god .Always listen well to your mummy Elerandro, and your school teachers and church leaders .They are the most important people in you life. Always try to be a good boy and play with good friends and do that throughout your life as its important in your process of growing up. Juliana is it very difficult growing up where you live and are there any dangers Juliana ? Always know Elerandro you are very special in our hearts and we love you and your family xxxxxxx with all our love and hugs Sonia , jay and Caleb xxxxxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne

To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Dearest Elerandro How are you my sweetie have you and your mummy been well ? How is your baby brother I cant wait to hear some more about him. I hadn't told you Elerandro but I had been poorly with Cancer. Please can you pray for me. I had to have lots of treatment and I went for an operation. I also had chemotherapy and radiotherapy . All of my hair come out , I am better now and my hair has grown back and its a little curly. I want you to know I have never forgotten you and I always love you. I hope you have had lots of amazing fun at school . You have grown so much looking at your new photo its incredible and your long curly hair has gone too. I love you hair both ways you still look adorable . I hope you getting on well in your therapy sessions ?Tell me a little more about what they have done to help you. Are you still having therapy sessions to help you? Also have you made some progress my little sweetie with the treatment . Do you think you could send me some more photos of you as I love to receive photos. I would love to see a pic of you and your brother and your mummy that would be precious. How is your cousin? If you had three wishes Elerandro what would they be ? Do you have a special teddy you sleep at night with ? Caleb has a teddy he sleeps with called Henry bear also his fluffy giraffe pillow he calls short neck . He has many teddy's in his bed but most have names. what's your favourite toy? Always Know Elerandro that we love you very much and we love receiving your lovely letters and gorgeous drawings . We love you very much and hope to hear from you . Lots of love from Sonia , jay , and Caleb xxxxxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne

To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Dearest Elerandro I hope you and your mummy are well and all of your wonderful family . I am well and we have all had a busy time. I was very unwell in the year Elerandro and had being going through cancer but I have had lots of treatment . I went through chemotherapy which makes your hair fall out but now I praise God that I am in remission . My hair is now growing but is still short but it's grown back curly.Im sorry if I hadn't written much but I had felt quite unwell with the medicine I had . This week jay has returned to work and my Eldest daughter has been at home looking after me. Caleb is doing well at school The headmaster decided the school needed a change in how they present themselves. Caleb wears a blazer , shirt , tie , grey trousers and grey jumpers with a green stripe and green jumpers with a grey stripe . They look very very smart now the uniform has changed and I really like it . How is your mummy ELerandro ? What have you been doing for fun recently ? . Even though I haven written for a while always know Elerandro that you are never far from our thoughts . We love you and your family very much . Imogen our youngest daughter moved back home for a while but they are moving into a rented house this week. So it will be back to jay , myself and caleb which will be easier for me . The weekend just gone was very busy and we had some fun times . Jay got to fly in an aeroplane next to his favourite plane a (spitfire ) . I had the fabulous opportunity to go in a racing car at Kop hill climb and it went so very fast . Anyway my little angel much love and hugs xx with love from sonia , jay and caleb xxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne
To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Dearest Elerandro I am so very happy to have received such a lovely letter and some very beautiful photographs . I loved the photos it was so nice to see you Elerandro with your cousin and your sister Julia. I am very pleased you loved the photos I sent you . This past couple of weeks I have been flying the Brazilian flag in our garden with our flag due to the football. Every time I see the Brazilian flag flying I think of you and your wonderful family and hope one day I can come to see you . I even have a Brazilian Mug for my tea or coffee which I use also. I also have a samba whistle and a duck with brazil on it xx Do you like football ?I love the Brazilian football team they are fantastic players . My favourite player was Ronaldinho . I also like the player that play now like Neymar and also Danny Alves. Neymar is my favourite though, Do you have a favourite ?Have you had an opportunity to watch any football on a screen or a small television . I am so very proud that you are enjoying having speech therapy . I hope it is helping you so much more and helping you learn to speak . At home we have been playing lots of Brazilian music ...compilations of very many different musicians . Thankyou so much for your beautiful drawing it was so lovely and very pretty colours .Big hugs and love to you Elerandro and sending love to your mummy, sister and your little cousin . Always know Elerandro you are in our hearts and souls . We love you very much , please tell mummy that I hope she is well and hope that her pregnancy is doing okay . Please send my love and Much love to you all from Sonia , jay and Caleb xxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne
Online supporter letter sent on 23-03-2014  hide
To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Dearest Elerandro I pray with the love of the lord that you and your family are well and happy and well. I have been unwell and having treatment to help me get better I have been treated with strong medicine to get better . I am so excited to hear your mummy will be having another baby . When is the baby due ? I hope you sister is well and enjoying herself with her friends and school . Please send my love to all of your family. I am excited to hear you have seen the audiologist and psychologist and hope that it is helping you and mummy .Have you enjoyed your visits there? what do they do to help ? I hope they are able to help you and mummy. We are so proud of you Elerandro and I pray that soon the visits help you more and more. Then I hope this will help your mummy too. what is the weather like ? In the UK we have had some sunny days and some rainy days . Do you like the sun Elerandro? or do you like rain to splash around ? Did you visit the beach ? If you did I wonder if you could draw a picture for me of you and mummy at the beach xxx Always know we love you very much and we are blessed to have you in our lives . I am so lucky that share the same journey as you grow up and I get to know more about you and your family . I feel blessed to have you in our lives . Juliana I hope you are ok and always know I am thinking of you to with the birth of your new baby . Much love to you my little angel Elerandro and be good for mummy . I hope you are enjoying school and have lots of fun with your friends . Love always from Sonia, jay and caleb xxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne
Online supporter letter sent on 02-11-2013  hide
To : Elerandro Silva De Vasconcelos
Dearest Elerandro, Greetings in the grace and the peace of our Lord ! Thankyou kindly for your letter I was so very happy when I see your wonderful drawings and your lovely photograph. I am so happy to see that some of your mummy's dreams have come true and you are getting the help you need Elerandro. I'm very pleased because I made calls to get some help for you so things will be so much easier for you and your mummy. always know Elerandro you and you and your mummy(Julia) are always in my thoughts and know that I love you very much.You are such a special little boy and one day your dreams and your goals will be reached. we will pray for the day when you are able to talk to us. Pray to god Elerandro and Julia that one day we will all meet This will be my dream to one day see you all in person. Im so happy to help you Elerandro and you will always be in my prayers and thoughts. I was happy to here how you and your mummy play a lot Its so special to me when you said I am a gift from God and I want you to know I think you was sent to me as a gift from god. Know even though I am far away I never forget you and your family Elerandro. Always be a very good boy for your mummy and at your project. Im so happy to hear you love painting because I love art too. I see you love dancing and you are a very good boy having your showers. keep up your wonderful good work Such a vey special and good boy and special gift to all that love you . Please send my love to your mummy Julia , and all your family . God bless you all with my heart . I hope you have a fun xmas and I send my love,hugs kisses from Sonia and family xxxx
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne

To : Yesenia Caracara
Dearest Yesenia my little star I was so happy to receive your letter and hear about what you have been doing my darling. Your vacation sounded amazing when you travelled with your siblings to your dads home town. Could you send me some beautiful photographs of yourself and some with your siblings from your holiday. I bet it was beautiful to see a Llama born. So incredible is gods Creations Yesenia and always beautiful .So how long did you look after the fragile baby Llama ? How long had you been of school ? I bet it was beautiful to get a vacation . I am so sorry for your mummy's loss of her older brother please send her my love. Tell her im sorry about her brothers passing but he will be with God now. It must of been difficult to see many of your family crying . How are you feeling now since your uncles passing.. Have you been enjoying school ? who have you played with at school ? do you like music ? I want to tell you last year I was very unwell with cancer and I have had treatment of chemotherapy so all of my hair come out . Since then I have been very fatigued I am slowly getting better and I don't have cancer Now. I had to have an operation . so now my hair is growing and it is quite curly. I thought I should tell you because I hadn't written to you much. Now I feel better I can write more and we can share each others story's and continue to hear more about each other . I have so missed writing you and hearing all about you . I have so much to tell you but we get such little space on the letter well my little star I love you very much with all our love Sonia jay and Caleb xxxxxxx I love you very much little star x
From : Sonia-Maria Dyne

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