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Saturday 9 May 2015


Still working on re wording
The RBS is located on the edge of the city of Petropavlovsk.  It is home to around 160 children from 7 years old to around 19 years old.  The children are grouped into nine family units of mixed ages.  Family #9 is the youngest group of children.  Each family has its own "suite" and caretakers.  The children live and attend school grades one through eleven at the orphanage.  The orphanage has its own doctor, hair salon, a gym, an auditorium, an assembly hall, and a shower room.  The director of the RBS since 2007 is Rizabek Kakpenov.

Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia. It is a former part of the Soviet Union so most people speak Russian. Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world though it only has a population of around 17 million (compared to the US population of about 301 million). It is so large that it stretches over parts of northern and central Asia with a portion of its territory extending into Eastern Europe. It lies west of China and below Russia. Kazakhstan is divided into 14 provinces (called oblasts) and three cities. The capital, since 1996, is Astana (the former capital was Almaty). The president of Kazakhstan, since 1991, is Nursultan Nazarbayev. 
The city of Petropavlovsk (meaning - Peter and Paul, also called Petropavl) is the most northern city in the country and borders Omsk, Russia. It is located in th
e North Kazakhstan Region. Petropavlovsk has a population of around 200,000.

    • Language                    Kazakh is quickly becoming the official language but Russian is still the main language used.

    • Religion                      The Kazakhs are primarily Muslims but many other religions are also represented.
    • Climate                       Petropavlovsk has extreme winters with temperatures well below 0 degrees and hot summers.
    • Currency                     Tenge (KZT)
        Nationalities               The population of Kazakhstan represents 130 nationalities.  Kazakhs make up the largest pertcentage.


    Kazakhastan Holidays

    January 1-2   *   New Year's Holiday
    March 8   *   International Woman's Day
    March 22   *   Nauryz
    May 1   *   Kazakhstan People's Unity Day
    May 9   *   Victory Day (WWII)
    August 30   *   Constitution Day
    October 25   *   Republic Day
    December 16   *   Independence day 

    My first photo of Vanya with his art work I was ultimately stunned by his Art that he produces

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