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Saturday 6 June 2015

My children i correspond with in Africa through Compassion International

Akossiwavi age 9 from Togo

Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Tona kondji, home to approximately 6,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and tin or grass roofs. The primary ethnic group is Ouatchiand and the most commonly spoken language is Ouatchi.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, chicken, fish, bread, cassava, rice and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include malaria and worms
Family Duties
  • Washing clothes
  • Running errands
  • Making beds
  • Cleaning
  • Gathers firewood
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Running
  • Jump rope
  • Singing
  • Story telling

Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s): May, June, August, September
Rainy Month(s): April, May, June, August, September, October
Harvest Month(s): June, July, October, November
Illness Month(s): July, August
Average Family monthly income: 11.0000
Primary Occupation: Farming
Togo is a small country located in Western Africa. Despite its size, it includes several distinct geographic regions: gently rolling savannah in north; hills in the central part of the country; southern plateau; and low coastal plain with many lagoons and marshes. The climate is as diverse as the geography: tropical in the south to semi-arid in the north. The people of Togo are made up of more than 37 different African tribes, the most prevalent being Ewe, Mina, and Kabre. French is the official language, along with four regional African languages


Your sponsored child lives in the hillside community of Gedo, home to approximately 25,800 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, wood walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic group is Oromo and the most commonly spoken language is Oromiffa.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, and teff (grain). Common health problems in this area include tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, intestinal parasites and pneumonia.

Family Duties
  • Gardening/Farming
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
Hobbies and Sport
Other:Watching TV
  • Soccer/Football
Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 
Planting Month(s): 
April, June, July
Rainy Month(s): 
March, June, July, August
Harvest Month(s): 
January, November, December
Illness Month(s): 
September, October
Average Family monthly income: 
Esi Age: 7

Your sponsored child lives in the coastal community of New Fadama, home to approximately 17,400 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement and have corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Ga and Akans and the most commonly spoken languages are Ga and Twi.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, chicken, fish, bread, cassava (root), plantains, rice, potatoes and goat. Common health problems in this area include malaria and diarrhoea.

Family Duties
  • Running errands
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Jump rope
Warmest Month: February
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 32C
Coolest Month: August
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: n/a
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Coastal
Planting Month(s): April, May, September, October
Rainy Month(s): April, May, June
Harvest Month(s): July, August, November
Illness Month(s): May, June
Average Family monthly income: 31.0000
Primary Occupation: Trading
Faith Age: 5

Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Akadetewai, home to approximately 22,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and thatched roofs. The primary ethnic group and most commonly spoken language is Teso.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, cassava and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include malaria, upper respiratory tract infections, typhoid, HIV/AIDS and brucellosis (bacterial disease).
Family Duties
  • Cleaning
Hobbies and Sport
Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Mud/Earth/Clay/Adobe
Home roof typically made of: Leaves/Grass/Thatch
Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s): March, August
Rainy Month(s): March, April, May, August, September, October
Harvest Month(s): June, July
Illness Month(s): April, May, August, September
Average Family monthly income: 62.5000
Primary Occupation: Trading

North of the equator, Kenya is hot and dry. South of the equator are the humid coast, the temperate highlands and tropical Lake Victoria. Volcanic mountains and the Great Rift Valley occupy the west. Although the highlands around Nairobi are fertile, only 11 percent of Kenya's land is farmed.

The majority of rural farmers and herders represent more than 40 ethnic groups. Forty-five percent are Protestant, 33 percent are Catholic, 10 percent are Muslim and the rest practice indigenous beliefs. English and Swahili are the official languages. Compassion works mostly in south-central Kenya.

Gilbert Age: 7


Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Secteur 12/Nieneta, home to approximately 18,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt or cement floors, mud or brick walls and tin roofs.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, chicken, fish, bread, beef, rice and goat. Common health problems in this area include malaria, typhoid and meningitis.

Family Duties
  • Running errands
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Soccer/Football
  • Play house
  • Running

Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Mud/Earth/Clay/Adobe
Home roof typically made of: Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME
Climate: Dry
Terrain: Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s): June, July
Rainy Month(s): May, June, July, August, September
Harvest Month(s): September, October, November
Illness Month(s): January, February, March, August, September, December
Average Family monthly income: 22.0000

 Denis Age: 18


Your sponsored child lives in the hillside community of Kisoro, home to approximately 312,100 residents. Typical houses are constructed of mud floors, wood or tin walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic group is Bafumbira and the most commonly spoken language is Rufumbira.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, plantains and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include malaria, dysentery, intestinal worms, HIV/AIDS, diarrhoea and respiratory infections
Family Duties
  • Washing clothes
  • Gardening/Farming
  • Making beds
  • Cleaning
  • Animal care
  • Carries water
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
Musical instrument:Keyboard
  • Group games
  • Soccer/Football
  • Bicycling
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Art/Drawing
  • Singing
  • Other ball games
  • Story telling
Home floor typically made of: 
Home walls typically made of: 
Home roof typically made of: 
Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 
Planting Month(s): 
February, June, July, August, November, December
Rainy Month(s): 
March, April, May, August, September
Harvest Month(s): 
February, May, June, July, November, December
Illness Month(s): 
February, March, June, July, October, November
 Average Family monthly income:
    Jackson Age: 18

Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Mwembe Songo, home to approximately 10,400 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic group is Luguru and the most commonly spoken languages are Luguru and Kiswahili.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans and cassava. Common health problems in this area include malaria, cholera, typhoid and HIV/AIDS
Home floor typically made of: 
Home walls typically made of: 
Home roof typically made of: 
Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 
Coolest Month: 
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 
Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s): 
February, March, October, November
Rainy Month(s): 
March, April, October, November
Harvest Month(s): 
May, June
Illness Month(s): 
March, April, May
Average Family monthly income: 
Primary Occupation: 
Tanzania, formed in 1964 when Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged, is East Africa's largest country. Tanzania displays great diversity, including a low-lying coastal belt, a highland plateau populated by rich wildlife reserves and the island of Zanzibar, a former spice center. It is also home to Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. The climate ranges from tropical to nearly temperate in the highlands.

Jamira Mohammed Age: 17

Your sponsored child lives in the coastal community of Tema Newtown, home to approximately 114,200 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement and have corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Ga, Akans and Ewes and the most commonly spoken languages are Ga, Twi and Ewe.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans, bananas, chicken, fish, bread, cassava, beef, plantains, rice and goat. Common health problems in this area include malaria and malnutrition.
Family Duties
  • Washing clothes
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
  • Carries water
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Soccer/Football
  • Bicycling
  • Play house
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Jump rope
  • Singing
  • Story telling

Home floor typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement
Home walls typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement
Home roof typically made of: Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: February
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 32C
Coolest Month: August
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 20C
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Coastal
Planting Month(s): April, May, September, October
Rainy Month(s): April, May, June
Harvest Month(s): July, August, November
Illness Month(s): May, June
Average Family monthly income: 32.0000
Primary Occupation: Fishing

Silvia Age: 18

Your sponsored child lives in the hillside community of Magugu, home to approximately 32,800 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and thatched roofs. The most commonly spoken language is Swahili.

The regional diet consists of maize, beans and rice. Common health problems in this area include waterborne diseases, HIV/AIDS and malaria

Family Duties
  • Washing clothes
  • Gardening/Farming
  • Running errands
  • Making beds
  • Cleaning
  • Carries water
  • Gathers firewood
  • Teaching others
  • Buying/Selling in the marketplace
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Bicycling
  • Walking
  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Listening to music
  • Other ball games


Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Mud/Earth/Clay/Adobe
Home roof typically made of: Leaves/Grass/Thatch
Warmest Month: October
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 28C
Coolest Month: June
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 20C
Climate: Dry
Terrain: Hilly
Planting Month(s): February, March, April, August, September, October
Rainy Month(s): March, April, May, September, October
Harvest Month(s): January, July, August, September
Illness Month(s): March, April, May, August, September, October
Average Family monthly income: 6.5000
Primary Occupation: Farming
Tanzania, formed in 1964 when Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged, is East Africa's largest country. Tanzania displays great diversity, including a low-lying coastal belt, a highland plateau populated by rich wildlife reserves and the island of Zanzibar, a former spice center. It is also home to Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. The climate ranges from tropical to nearly temperate in the highlands.
  Clarisse Age: 17

Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Nyanza, home to approximately 18,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, cement walls and tin roofs. The ethnic group is Banyarwanda and the spoken language is Kinyarwanda.

The regional diet consists of beans, cassava bread and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include malaria and worms.

Family Duties
  • Cleaning
  • Carries water
  • Kitchen help
Hobbies and Sport
  • Soccer/Football
  • Running
  • Jump rope
  • Other ball games

Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement
Home roof typically made of: Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: August
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 22C
Coolest Month: January
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 18C
Climate: Dry
Terrain: Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s): March, April, September
Rainy Month(s): February, April, October
Harvest Month(s): January, February, May, June, December
Illness Month(s): February, April, July, August, September, October
Average Family monthly income: 13.0000
Primary Occupation: Farming
Rwanda consists mainly of grassy uplands and hills that extend southeast from a chain of volcanoes in the northwest. It is divided by several rivers and has many lakes. The climate is temperate with two main annual rainy seasons.
Yeabira  Age: 12

Your sponsored child lives in the mountainous community of Ferensay Legasion, home to approximately 250,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, wood walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic group is Amhara and the most commonly spoken language is Amharic.

The regional diet consists of beans, bread, maize, potatoes and teff (grain). Common health problems in this area include tuberculosis and diarrhoea

Family Duties
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
Hobbies and Sport
  • Dolls
  • Soccer/Football
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Running

Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Wood
Home roof typically made of: Tin/Corrugated Iron
Warmest Month: May
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 29C
Coolest Month: August
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 15C
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Mountainous
Planting Month(s): January
Rainy Month(s): June, July, August
Harvest Month(s): April, May
Illness Month(s): May, June, July, August


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