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Wednesday 30 March 2016

A letter to Mishel in Ecuador My compassion correspondent since may the 7 th 2013. Letter sent 3/21/2016

Dearest Mishel
Thankyou so much for your letter it was wonderful to hear from you and know that you are well . I am also happy to receive good news about you enjoying your project . I am ok but still have more bad days than good which can be rather challenging for everyone in the family and for my personal self . Many days i feel very fatigued with muscle aches and generally its about pain management. . Tell me about the Mountainous area that you live in as would love to learn more about that could you try and give me a more detailed description about the area that you live in.
What do you have in your park that you play in ? You said In your letter that you would like to travel , where would you like to travel in the world ? I have always wanted to visit Iceland and see the northern lights I will tell you more about this and write in a separate letter. I've seen some beautiful photos but I've never seen it in real life .
I don't really follow any football teams like you but I do like to watch football if it's the World Cup then i follow my country  . If there was a team we followed in the house it would be Arsenal because my husband supports them . You asked me about my favourite book and I have a couple one is called Kisses from Katie it's about an average American teenager when she decided to explore the possibility of voluntary work overseas. She temporarily 'quit life' to serve in Uganda for a year before going to college. However, returning to 'normal' became impossible and Katie 'quit life' - college, designer clothes, her little yellow convertible and her boyfriend - for good, remaining in Uganda.
In the early days she felt as though she were trying to empty the ocean with an eyedropper, but has learnt that she is not called to change the world in itself, but to change the world for one person at a time.By the age of 22 Katie had adopted 14 girls and founded Amazima  Ministries which currently has sponsors for over 600 children and a feeding program for Uganda's poorest citizens . It's an empowering story Mischel . What's your favourite book ? I have listened to the music you like on you tube and I like it very much . I love music very much and very different types through the years . I do really love to listen to Coldplay , Ed sheeran , Lukas , Ben Howard , jack savoretti and Lukas graham , passenger , and many others . I like many other musicians also .
Is there a certain breed of cat that you like ? And do you know much about meerkats ?I will write an animal profile on Meerkats and see what information i can find out for you . i have already done a little research on them this weekend so it will be nice to put the details together for you.This weekend was lovely as we got to go to our Mayors Ball i will try and include our photos for you . Always know my sweetie that we love you very much and you are forever in our hearts . Many blessings and prayers for your sister and much love to you all love sonia, jay and caleb

Monday 28 March 2016

Nancy first letter. ( please excuse how the letter seems to have comeup I will adapt it so it looks better on screen )

Our dearest  little princess Nancy 

I am so happy to get to know and have the greatest honour of sponsoring you My name is Sonia and I 
live in the United Kingdom  and live in a small sleepy town Which has lots of history . Some of it is 
very pretty and the buildings are old but we have new buildings also. We live close to the river and 
during the summer the river twinkles like diamonds in the sunlight . We are close to a beautiful nature 
park which is beautiful in the summer months and during autumn when the leaves change to rustic 
reds , browns and yellows . Our local church is very pretty which is in the centre of town and has 
beautiful stained glass windows that looks beautiful in the summer as the rays of light shine through 
I live with my husband  jay and we have three daughters and one son . Our daughters names and ages 
 are Abbey (27 )Bronte (24 ) and Imogen (21 ) have all grown up and left home . But out son Caleb 
still Lives at home with us and we are very blessed to have him . Caleb is a kind and compassionate
 boy and he is 14 years old and attend our local secondary school which specialises in sport . Caleb is 
real sports fan and loves basketball , fencing , cricket , baseball and loves to swim . I look forward 
to hearing all about what you enjoy doing  and  also about your little sister Adita . What do you and 
your sister love to do ? and what do you like to play with ?  Do you have a favourite toy . Do you 
watch tv very much ? if so what are your favourite programmes and characters in films or tv . I don't 
work as I have disabilities that prevent me from working but my husband used to work as a medic
 Which is a little like a paramedic so I'm in the best hands.  At the moment he has taken time out of 
work to look after me at home . My interests are watching tv and I watch lots with my son and my 
grandchildren who are Riley age  9, Oliver age 6 and  Evie -Mai aged 3 .We spend much of our week
 with the children as my eldest daughter works. So we watch lots of Disney films plus Dora , Princess
 Sofia , Tinker-bell , Disney Princesses and many more . I love  photography  , media , learning about 
other countries , art , and I like to learn . During the summer I like to watch the formation of clouds 
whilst sitting in the garden as I'm interested in clouds. In the evening I like to see the stars . 
Sometimes at night we see so many stars in the sky and the look so beautiful as they twinkle like
 diamonds.  I love writing  and I write to many people all over the world .I have just started to colour
 for relaxation  some beautiful adult colouring books which has lots of animals in . My favourite wild 
animal is an Elephant and a giraffe they are both so beautiful and majestic. My favourite pet animals 
are rabbits but I don't have any although I used too have some . I have some cuddly toys that my son 
got me and one is an Elephant with its baby and I have a bear called oscar . Do you have a favourite 
snuggle toy you like  to cuddle at night ?Do you have a favourite wild animal ?  Do you have any 
pets ? If you had 3 wishes my beautiful little star what would you wish for ? 
We want you to know Nancy that we love you very much and we will pray for your family . We will 
always be proud if your goals and achievements as you grow. You will always be a big part of our 
family's lives even though you are far away . May God bless you Nancy  and always know you will 
be in our hearts and thoughts . Sending all our love and hugs to you our little princess and shining star
 and to your sister Adita and your beautiful family with all our love and bug hugs Sonia , jay and 
caleb xxxx

PS maybe you would love some themed letters so you can learn about animals xx

Saturday 26 March 2016

My new little girl from Mi Betania

This is Nancy she is so beautiful and her little twin is Adita they are just so beautiful . More information on my new little sponsor to come 

This is Adita Nancy little twin sister 

New update Adita is now being sponsored by Nikki potter 

Cristely , Yanixa my twins from Mercedes in Honduras



Friday 18 March 2016

Letter ideas

My friend Hannah has shared some templates of research done on varied animals so I would like to share the  ideas to send your sponsored or corresponding children over the world . 

Dear Name,

I enjoyed learning that tigers are one of your favorite animals! I think tigers are so beautiful. I did some studying and learned a little more about tigers and wanted to share what I learned with you! I also included some photos of tigers in the letter.

Tigers live in many types of terrains: tropical rain forests, snow-covered forests, mangrove swamps and dry forest areas. Unlike most members of the cat family, tigers seem to enjoy water and swim well. Like human fingerprints, every tiger has a unique pattern of stripes that can be used to identify it! Another fascinating fact is that a tiger’s saliva is antiseptic, and comes handy when a tiger cleans its wounds.

Male tigers can grow up bigger than 3 meters long and their tales can be be 1 meter long! Tigers are the largest cat in the world. Since they're so big, they need to eat a lot of meat and can eat up to 60 pounds of meat at a single time. It is the largest land-living mammal whose diet consists mainly of meat… tigers require large areas with forest cover, water, and prey such as deer and swine. The tiger hunts alone, primarily between dusk and dawn, traveling six to 20 miles in a night in search of prey.

Tigers are largely solitary cats and are most active between dusk and dawn, except for a mother and her cubs, tigers live and hunt alone. Male and female meet only briefly to mate. After a gestation of 100 to 112 days, two to three blind and helpless cubs are born. Tiger cubs weigh just over two pounds at birth and nurse until they are six months old. During the next 18 months, they gradually become independent, and at about two years of age strike out alone to find their own territory. Females may establish a territory adjacent to that of their mother, or even take over part of their mother’s territory. 

There are 6 types of tigers: 
Bengal Tiger - This most common tiger is found in India and Bangladesh. 
Indochinese Tiger - These tigers are smaller than the Bengal Tiger and live in mountain forests.
Malayan Tiger - This tiger is only found at the tip of the Malayan peninsula.
Siberian Tiger - This is the largest of the tigers and is found in Eastern Siberia.
Sumatran Tiger - Found only on the island of Sumatra, these are the smallest types of tigers.
South China Tiger - This is the most endangered type of tiger.

Love Sonia , jay and Caleb 

Dear Name, 

Did you know that Polar Bears love the water so much that they are considered a marine mammal like otters, walruses, and seals? I loved learning about Polar Bears and I wanted to share what we learned with you!

Polar Bears only live in the Arctic. They have black skin and clear fur (their fur looks white because it reflects the sunlight). Sometimes Polar Bears in zoos have green fur because in warmer climates, algae can grow in their fur and make it look green. Polar Bears are huge bears! The males are typically 351 to 544 kilograms and 3.35 meters tall! Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell, with the ability to detect seals nearly 1.6 kilometers away. Polar bears can reach speeds up to 40 kph on land and 10 kph in water.

In fall pregnant polar bears make dens in earth and snowbanks, where they'll stay through the winter and give birth to one to three cubs. In spring the mother emerges from her den followed by her cubs. During that time she will protect them and teach them how to hunt. The cubs stay with the mother for 2.5 years!

When I learn about strong, powerful animals like Polar Bears, it reminds me of how great God is! God created the Polar Bear, and compared to God, the Polar Bear is like a speck of dust. And yet God cares for each Polar Bear in the world! And even more so, He cares for you! I would like to share Psalm 91 with you. Please try to read the whole Psalm! But here are some beautiful verses to remind you that God is always with you and can protect you. Psalm 91:1-2, "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”" And then Psalm 91:14-16, "“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”" I would like to remind you that no matter what happens on earth, no matter how much suffering we experience, God has a home for us in heaven and we will live forever, with God, in peace without suffering! Praise God for the hope we have to look to heaven when life is hard. 

I am praying for you and I love you very much. May God bless you. Love, Sonia 

My additional research

Additional info Walking bears expend 13 times more energy than resting bears. This partly explains their preference for still-hunting, which usually involves a long, patient wait for a seal to surface at a breathing hole in the sea ice.
Running. Polar bears can run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour—but only for short distances. Younger, leaner bears are the best runners. They can cover two kilometers without stopping. Older, larger bears quickly overheat. Much like the dwarves in the classic novel Lord of the Rings, polar bears are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances!
Polar bears are very strong swimmers and can travel for hundreds of miles in open water to get between ice flows .
Sleeping habits for polar bears : they can sleep between seven or eight hours also like people they like to nap which conserves energy . During the summer months they sleep more in the day and night 
Bedding in the wintertime in shallow pits they dig into the snow with there sides and backs to the wind .

Dear Name,

I would like to share with you some about butterflies! We have a small vegetable garden and we also have some flowers. We have one sunflower that grew huge! And it's so pretty! The butterflies and bees love drinking from its nectar. I included a photo of the sunflower and a butterfly!

Butterflies go through 4 life stages. The first stage is the egg and it all starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants. Inside these tiny eggs, caterpillars grow. Once ready, the caterpillar leaves its egg home and enters stage 2! Caterpillars have a serious appetite - they actually eat their way out of the egg and immediately start chomping on the leaves of the host plant. During this stage, they shed their skin four or five times - as the caterpillar grows, its skin becomes too tight and splits open, revealing a new, larger skin underneath. A fully grown caterpillar can be over 100 times larger than when it emerged from its egg. Once fully grown, the caterpillar forms itself into a 'pupa' (or chrysalis) - a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly, which is stage 3. They usually do this on twigs or safe, hidden areas around the host plant. The 'pupa' stage may last a few weeks to several months depending on the species. During this time, a hardened case forms around the pupa to protect it from predators and extreme weather conditions. Inside, the tissue, limbs and organs of the caterpillar transform in a winged butterfly, stage 4. Once the butterfly is ready to emerge, the case around the pupa splits open. But it’s not time for take off just yet, as the wings are at first wet, soft and wrinkled against its body. The butterfly waits for its wings to dry, and pumps a liquid called hemolymph into them so that they become big and strong. 

Did you know that we can learn a lesson from butterflies? Jerry Bridges, an author who teaches about the Bible, says this: "The purpose of adversity is often illustrated by a caterpillar struggling to break out of its cocoon into a beautiful butterfly…the struggle to emerge is necessary for developing the muscle system and pushing the body fluids in to the wings to expand them. And it is trials of various kinds that produce the fruit of Christlike character." The Bible says this about trials and adversities in James 1:2-4, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." So when we have hard times in our lives, let us remember the butterfly and that God is using those trials to make us like Himself, perfect and complete! I am praying for God to give you strength and wisdom in the trials that you face in life. Love, Sonia , jay and Caleb 

I'm enjoying learning about all these animals and I thinking about my other children too and also my grandchildren . 

Updates on new letters coming soon 

My new animal letters coming soon are about Meerkats and also sloths keep checking the page for updates on the newer letters plus I may write about the rainforest . 

Thursday 17 March 2016

My newest photos of distribution in Honduras to my little ones at Mi Betania in Honduras

I adore these little ones such cute and precious children whom I'm so happy I had chosen to help . 

My little cute boy Jesuar 

Jeilo pronounced as halo