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Saturday 11 April 2015

Elerandro 1st and 2nd photo

Dearest Elerandro How are you my sweetie have you and your mummy been well ? How is your baby brother I cant wait to hear some more about him. I hadn't told you Elerandro but I had been poorly with Cancer. Please can you pray for me. I had to have lots of treatment and I went for an operation. I also had chemotherapy and radiotherapy . All of my hair come out , I am better now and my hair has grown back and its a little curly. I want you to know I have never forgotten you and I always love you. I hope you have had lots of amazing fun at school . You have grown so much looking at your new photo its incredible and your long curly hair has gone too. I love you hair both ways you still look adorable . I hope you getting on well in your therapy sessions ?Tell me a little more about what they have done to help you. Are you still having therapy sessions to help you? Also have you made some progress my little sweetie with the treatment . Do you think you could send me some more photos of you as I love to receive photos. I would love to see a pic of you and your brother and your mummy that would be precious. How is your cousin? If you had three wishes Elerandro what would they be ? Do you have a special teddy you sleep at night with ? Caleb has a teddy he sleeps with called Henry bear also his fluffy giraffe pillow he calls short neck . He has many teddy's in his bed but most have names. what's your favourite toy? Always Know Elerandro that we love you very much and we love receiving your lovely letters and gorgeous drawings . We love you very much and hope to hear from you . Lots of love from Sonia , jay , and Caleb xxxxxxx

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