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Saturday 27 June 2015

My Letter About Walter Rothschild and the sub speicies of Giraffes

  Theme letter About Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild and Rothschild Giraffe's
Lord Rothschild was a very passionate Zoologist and a member of the Rothschild family .Lord Lionel Walter preferred to be called Lord Walter Rothschild . :1 When he was as young as 7 his passion was to have his very own Museum .He started early as a collector of animals. :2  At 10 years old  his passion had increased and Walter at that age had a collection of Butterflies, birds, fish and Mammals. As his later years and now :3  18 years old he moved to Cambridge and studied at St Magdalene College not far from where I live with my family now. His sole purpose for this move was to study natural sciences. 4: Walter is now 21 and his father left him a fabulous legacy .His father had given him money and a piece of land.  5 :1892 at 24 years old Walter celebrated the opening of his museum . 6: Lord Walter Rothschild overall had 153 insects , 17 mammals, three fish, two reptiles, one millipede and one worm in his name. Lord Rothschild was very delicate with his health compared to his siblings.  The Rothschild Giraffes Height 16-20ft, Length of Tongue 50 cm 20inches , gestation period 400-600 days , Litter of 1-2 calves , primary food source Acacia Leaves, weight 2,500 lbs. There colouring is unique to there breed , every giraffes' markings are like a finger print and never the same as another giraffe. Lord Rothschild described the Giraffe in  1900 on an expedition to east Africa as the Rothschild Giraffe it was also otherwise known as the Baringo Giraffe or the Ugandan Giraffe In that era of time there were many of these subspecies roamed  around abundantly across Kenya , Uganda and Sudan . Lord Walter Rothschild died in 1937 and gifted the nation with his long-term collection to the natural History Museum and was one of the largest  private collections . Now this subspecies of Giraffe  are down in numbers to 670 overall . 450 are kept in zoos for protection and for breeding to increase on numbers . These particular Giraffes are on the endangered list and there is a fear they could become extinct through fear of there predators and poachers . These Giraffes are very rare now and prone to predators like leopards , lions , hyenas and wild dogs and crocodiles
Sending all our love and hugs and kisses
love from Sonia , jay and Caleb

I hope you enjoyed learning about these two subjects . Please could you send me some photos of you please ? What is your favourite wild Animal ? My favourite animal is Elephants and Giraffes

Friday 26 June 2015

Correspondents in Bangledesh. India ,East India


Your sponsored child lives in the coastal community of Ajjykatta, home to approximately 15,100 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, mud walls and tile roofs. The primary ethnic groups are Ager, Gowda, Hulswar and Nayak.

The regional diet consists of beans, chicken, fish, rice and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include tuberculosis, diarrhoea, jaundice, typhoid, chicken pox and HIV/AIDS.

Home floor typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement
Home walls typically made of: Mud/Earth/Clay/Adobe
Home roof typically made of: Tile
Warmest Month: May
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 32C
Coolest Month: December
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 20C
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Coastal
Planting Month(s): June, July
Rainy Month(s): June, July, August, September
Harvest Month(s): October, November
Illness Month(s): July, August
Family Duties
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
  • Buying/Selling in the marketplace
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Walking
  • Hide-and-Seek
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Art/Drawing
  • Singing

Sajini Soma Hullushwar

Sona Rajan S

Family Duties
  • Running errands
  • Cleaning
  • Buying/Selling in the marketplace
Hobbies and Sport
  • Group games
  • Walking
  • Running
  • Reading
  • Art/DrawingSinging

Your sponsored child lives in the coastal community of Kottukonam, home to approximately 12,800 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, brick walls and thatched roofs. The primary ethnic group is Makayali and the most commonly spoken language is Malayalam.

The regional diet consists of fish and rice. Common health problems in this area include dysentery, the flu, viral infections and gastrointestinal disorders
Home floor typically made of: Dirt
Home walls typically made of: Brick/Block/Cement
Home roof typically made of: Leaves/Grass/Thatch
Warmest Month: April
Avg. Temperature Of Warmest Month: 32 C
Coolest Month: December
Avg. Temperature Of Coolest Month: 18 C
Climate: Humid
Terrain: Coastal
Planting Month(s): June
Rainy Month(s): June
Harvest Month(s): August
Illness Month(s):                                                     July

Sonu Goud



Esteban playing on the new Equipment

This is Esteban I adore this little cutie

Letters and questions to ask my sponsored and correspondent children

1: why are my letters important to you ?
2 :Are my letters important to you individually and why ?
3 : If you had three wishes what would they be ?
4 what's your favourite wild animal ?
5 what's your favourite pet ?


1: How many siblings do you have ? 
2 :

Brandoli update june Emergency food ect

Herol playing with new Equipment

Thursday 25 June 2015

Maps of where Sponsored children Live

Themed Letter :People

Under construction

Lord Walter Rothschild
Theme letter About Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild and Rothschild Giraffe's
Lord Rothschild was a very passionate Zoologist and a member of the Rothschild family .Lord Lionel Walter preferred to be called Lord Walter Rothschild . :1 When he was as young as 7 his passion was to have his very own Museum .He started early as a collector of animals. :2  At 10 years old  his passion had increased and Walter at that age had a collection of Butterflies, birds, fish and Mammals. As his later years and now :3  18 years old he moved to Cambridge and studied at St Magdalene College not far from where I live with my family now. His sole purpose for this move was to study natural sciences. 4: Walter is now 21 and his father left him a fabulous legacy .His father had given him money and a piece of land.  5 :1892 at 24 years old Walter celebrated the opening of his museum . 6: Lord Walter Rothschild overall had 153 insects , 17 mammals, three fish, two reptiles, one millipede and one worm in his name. Lord Rothschild was very delicate with his health compared to his siblings.  The Rothschild Giraffes Height 16-20ft, Length of Tongue 50 cm 20inches , gestation period 400-600 days , Litter of 1-2 calves , primary food source Acacia Leaves, weight 2,500 lbs. There colouring is unique to there breed , every giraffes' markings are like a finger print and never the same as another giraffe. Lord Rothschild described the Giraffe in  1900 on an expedition to east Africa as the Rothschild Giraffe it was also otherwise known as the Baringo Giraffe or the Ugandan Giraffe In that era of time there were many of these subspecies roamed  around abundantly across Kenya , Uganda and Sudan . Lord Walter Rothschild died in 1937 and gifted the nation with his long-term collection to the natural History Museum and was one of the largest  private collections . Now this subspecies of Giraffe  are down in numbers to 670 overall . 450 are kept in zoos for protection and for breeding to increase on numbers . These particular Giraffes are on the endangered list and there is a fear they could become extinct through fear of there predators and poachers . These Giraffes are very rare now and prone to predators like leopards , lions , hyenas and wild dogs and crocodiles
Sending all our love and hugs and kisses
love from Sonia , jay and Caleb

I hope you enjoyed learning about these two subjects . Please could you send me some photos of you please ? What is your favourite wild Animal ? My favourite animal is Elephants and Giraffes

Beatrix Potter

Audrey Hepburn

Darcy Bussell

Princess Diana 

Duke and duchess of Cambridge 

Nelson Mandela 

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Themed Letter Ideas: Animals

World Giraffe Day Rothschild Giraffes

Theme letter About Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild and Rothschild Giraffe's
Lord Rothschild was a very passionate Zoologist and a member of the Rothschild family .Lord Lionel Walter preferred to be called Lord Walter Rothschild . :1 When he was as young as 7 his passion was to have his very own Museum .He started early as a collector of animals. :2  At 10 years old  his passion had increased and Walter at that age had a collection of Butterflies, birds, fish and Mammals. As his later years and now :3  18 years old he moved to Cambridge and studied at St Magdalene College not far from where I live with my family now. His sole purpose for this move was to study natural sciences. 4: Walter is now 21 and his father left him a fabulous legacy .His father had given him money and a piece of land.  5 :1892 at 24 years old Walter celebrated the opening of his museum . 6: Lord Walter Rothschild overall had 153 insects , 17 mammals, three fish, two reptiles, one millipede and one worm in his name. Lord Rothschild was very delicate with his health compared to his siblings.  The Rothschild Giraffes Height 16-20ft, Length of Tongue 50 cm 20inches , gestation period 400-600 days , Litter of 1-2 calves , primary food source Acacia Leaves, weight 2,500 lbs. There colouring is unique to there breed , every giraffes' markings are like a finger print and never the same as another giraffe. Lord Rothschild described the Giraffe in  1900 on an expedition to east Africa as the Rothschild Giraffe it was also otherwise known as the Baringo Giraffe or the Ugandan Giraffe In that era of time there were many of these subspecies roamed  around abundantly across Kenya , Uganda and Sudan . Lord Walter Rothschild died in 1937 and gifted the nation with his long-term collection to the natural History Museum and was one of the largest  private collections . Now this subspecies of Giraffe  are down in numbers to 670 overall . 450 are kept in zoos for protection and for breeding to increase on numbers . These particular Giraffes are on the endangered list and there is a fear they could become extinct through fear of there predators and poachers . These Giraffes are very rare now and prone to predators like leopards , lions , hyenas and wild dogs and crocodiles
Sending all our love and hugs and kisses
love from Sonia , jay and Caleb

I hope you enjoyed learning about these two subjects . Please could you send me some photos of you please ? What is your favourite wild Animal ? My favourite animal is Elephants and Giraffes

World Tiger Day


Maps of where my children Come from and where correspond.

under construction

June 2015. William receives shoes for school!

Friday 19 June 2015

Galilea and Brandoli translation of There Carte (Letters )

May 13, 2015

Dear Sponsor,

God bless you and your family. Thank you so much for all the things you have blessed me with. I send greetings to Jay and Caleb, and also to your husband and the rest of your children.

Also, I want to say happy birthday and thank you so much for your letter. I thank God that we have someone like you thinking about my family at all times. My mom is so happy.

I like learning English, but my favourite class is Artistic Expression. I prefer to wear boots. I like listening to Christian music, and my favorite song is “Cantare a Jehovah” (I will sing to Jehovah). I do like reading stories, but I also enjoy writing my own tales. For example, once upon a time in the depths of the ocean, lived a beautiful mermaid that had an angry father. The mermaid’s name is Ariel and one day she fell in love with a prince.


Galilea Fabiola



May 6, 2015


Dear Sonia,

Receive a cordial greeting. I am hoping you are well of health and close to your loved ones.

The reason for my short letter is to thank you for always thinking of me, and for sending me your letter.  It is a great pleasure to meet your family, even if it is only through the pictures you sent me.

I want to let you know that I am doing very well and that I am very happy to be able to get an education, and everything thanks to you. Also, I want to let you know that my family is doing very well too. I really enjoy going to school, and what I like doing the most is painting the drawings my teacher taught me to do, and then I share them with my classmates.

With my brother, Melvin, I really like playing cars and soccer. My favourite food is rice and noodles.

I really enjoy hearing from you, sponsor. To you and your family I send many hugs and greetings. God bless you, always.


Brandoli Coroxón Alonzo


Meet newly sponsored Erol Looking forward to getting to know this little guy

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Samuel has passed the 8th grade and has moved on to the 9th grade in 2015! Thank you for supporting him!