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Thursday 10 September 2015

Eladia from Mexico

to be updated

New children september 2015

Nove (PH526)  has received only one letter in March 2013. 
Helen (NI200) last received a letter in February 2014. 
Yerelin (DR385) has never received a letter.
Himansu (IN950) last received a letter in July 2014. 
Poli (EI154) last received a letter in March 2014. 
Fernando (EC373) last received a letter in August 2013.
Yerelin (DR385) has never received a letter.
                            Has never received a letter new in October to me in 2015 





My newest little girl from Nicaragua age 5 

letters dates

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Letter to Little Axel

To my Dearest little Prince Axel

I am so happy to write to you today and so happy to be your Sponsor . Im looking forward to get to know you and hoping to write lots of letter to you . Thank-you for your first letter to me I see that you live in the countryside and you are 3 years old. You enjoy playing football and you like playing with cars. does your mummy and daddy play football with you?Do you play football with your little friends at the compassion centre. What are your friends names ? I have a few photos of you when my friends came to visit your centre . I have a photo of you playing football and dressed up with big glasses and a funny nose . The little photos i have of you are very sweet and you look a beautiful little boy . I also loved your handprint on your letter and i put my hand against yours to see how little your hands are . I wonder if your centre could send me some more photos of you . I would really love that it would be a real pleasure.My name is sonia and i live with my husband and his name is jay. We have 4 children and we Live in the United Kingdom in a small market town called Huntingdon. Its very pretty town with two beautiful churches either end of town. To the north of the town is a beautiful river which is one of the longest in the United kingdom . The river sparkles in the sunlight especially in the summer and looks like diamonds glittering as the river runs. We have a little playground also near to where we live and they have swings , and adventure climbing frame and a fab slide. We have a long garden so when my grandchildren come to visit they spend lots of time running around the garden. They call it a field and you would probably think that too . When my friend visited you and took the photos we knew we had to choose you as a sponsor .Your mummy and daddy must be so very proud of you and you one of god sweetest children . Always know my little Prince we think of you always and you are forever in our hearts and we pray for you and your family.
Our children names and ages are Abbey ( age 26) Bronte ( age 23) Imogen (age 20 ) and our youngest is our son who is 13 years old. Caleb is the only one who lives at home as our daughters have their own homes. Caleb calls you his little Brother and he helped me choose you when i was looking to sponsor a second child . what do you do at your compassion centre ? you're not quite old enough to go too school yet . Our little granddaughter is 3 years old also and she attends nursery school.  I was reading that your favourite food is chicken and rice . I love chicken its very tasty . What is your favourite fruit ? I love strawberry , melon , apple and Banana. Do you grow any food where you live ?
well i have to go my little Prince sending you big hugs and a Kiss and lots of prayers to keep you safe and well
We love you very much Axel with all our love sonia , jay and caleb xxxxxx

These children had these letters or none before i took over

Nilsa BO362 - one letter in 2007, two in 2009, three in 2010

Brayan HO408 - one letter in 2011

Chuchip TH811 - no letters

Berberlin GU414 - one letter in 2009, 2010, and 2011

Deiby BO394 - six letters in 2006 and two in 2007

Denis PE386 -  three letters in 2012

Etienne HA831 - no letters

Elvis BO421 - no letters

Hellen PE365 - two letters in 2009, three in 2011, one from you

Jose BR482 - no letters

Noelia BO367 - one letter in 2004, one in 2005, 2007, and one  in 2009

Pamela BO571 - two letters in 2012 and one from you

Phim TH643 - no letters

Monica CO373 - three letters in 2010 and one from you

Sandra PE386 - no letters

Sherlyn GU898 - one letter in 2008 and 2009

Swathi IN317 - one letter from you

Teeradej TH416 - no letters

Fausto ME949 - one letter in 2011

Ingry PE529 - no letters

Jhair PE 390 - no letters

These children will be excited when they get a letter from you!

Monday 7 September 2015

Letter sent to Agnes

Shalom my dearest Daughter Agnes

I hope you and your family are well Please send my well wishes to your mother Purwati and also to your father Catur Haryiyono . We have all been well during the summer holidays . We have been looking after our grandchildren a lot . Soon my eldest daughter will be working in a beautician salon where they do varied treatments like waxing , facials and nails. Our eldest granddaughter Riley has had chicken pox so we are hoping none of us get it as there is an incubation period be fore it comes out . We looked after her whilst she was infectious . Im so happy we are writing so much more to each other and it will be nice to keep in contact much more. What did you do during your summer holidays ? Do you have a six week break from school like they do in the UK ? When Caleb returns to school today he starts in year 9 and starts his new subjects. When he returns he will study drama , Btech sport , design technology, (resistant materials) . His college course he has the chance to try out hairdressing , construction or Mechanics. It has been an expensive time purchasing uniform, trainers , pens, pencils,  back pack ect . I think he is looking forward to seeing his friends today as lots of them have been away on Holiday or spent time with families. This is a very Big year for him and it won't be easy as he struggles with learning difficulties. Soon he also begins a bronze and silver course with the sport For the British Fencing Association. This will be great for him as he has a very keen interest . Also he can use this with his Btech sports studies so hopefully he will enjoy this course. I am so happy you are enjoying the activities at the project . You mentioned Out bound what is that ? Is it a Game ? Wow so you visited a fighting aircraft place That must of been very interesting ? What sort of things did you learn on that day? It must of been very interesting for you and your friends to see and learn. What other fun activities have you been doing since your last letter. So you will be grade 9 soon . You study some very interesting subjects and I'm proud of you that you sound sensible and that you work hard. What are your favourite subjects at school ? Thank-you for praying for caleb thats really sweet of you to think of him .He thinks of you like you are his sister . I pray for you and I think of you like my very own family. Im always so very proud of you and you are very special in our hearts . Always aim for you dreams and goals my darling its important to reach for your goals . what is your ambition and what career would you love to pursue ? You are very clever my daughter and we are so very proud of all you do and you always seem very talented. I always love your letter you always write nice long letters which is lovely for me. we love you very much my darling Agnes and you are always in our prayers and our hearts. sending all our love and Hugs from sonia , jay and Caleb xxxx  could you send me some extra photos of you and your family i would love to see where you live also xxxx

Thursday 3 September 2015

Goodbye Letter to Ronald

Dearest Ronald
I was so happy to receive your beautiful letter and I adored the drawing of you watching the clouds . We are very similar in that we are extremely fond of clouds . I like to watch cloud formations and i was hoping to teach you so much more about different clouds and what they mean .I also love when I can see certain shapes in the clouds like bunnies , bears , dogs, faces etc. God truly has amazing things in this wonderful world we live in . Know that God always does things and things happen for a reason . I am sad to say this is my final letter to you as your sponsor wants to write to you . Unfortunately many of us were assigned children to write to but some error was made in the system which means I'm unable to write now  . Always know Ronald we will always love you and i will always think and pray for you and your family . I know you hadn't received many letters but i really hope your sponsor writes to you lots . If your sponsor doesn't write to you i have asked compassion to leave a space open so that we can write again one day if your sponsor doesn't write . aLways know we love you very much and i pray that one day we get the chance to write again. I cannot believe after such a beautiful letter that i have to say a final goodbye. I was very sad to know i couldn't write to you anymore unless your sponsor Honours me that. I have felt sadness but pray to God because maybe Ronald it means that your sponsor will write much more than they had . Or if they hadn't written lets hope that it will start a blossoming relationship with your sponsor.. I am so happy that you had such incredible fun at the park it must of been amazing on the swings and slide.I too love barbecues and it must of been wonderful . I have a sponsor at your centre and one day i hope that i will get the opportunity to see you there in Bolivia . As you know i can't visit for a few years and you will be a little older by the time I'm able to visit . If that day comes i will give you a big hug as i will always remember you and you will forever have a place in our family hearts . I pray that your life is happy  path and that your wishes come true . I will pray for you're schooling and always remember to stay on the good side and you will grow up to be a man of God . Please thank your brother Edson for helping to communicate in your last letter and i wish him good health and happiness . Always aim for big dreams or try your hardest to succeed in your life . When you're feeling upset look at this letter and know that we loved you and still love you very much . God obviously has a bigger plan for you as you know his word is final . Have happy times make lots of friends and be a very good boy . I know your good and please be good to your parents and family . its so important that you grow up to do good things and have a good heart . we love you Ronald . Bye for Now your loving correspondent Sonia , jay and caleb . Big hugs to you from us all  with all our love and prayers xxxxx

Goodbye Etienne 

Dearest Etienne 
I was so happy to receive your beautiful and compassionate letter recently. I was so joyful about our journey together with compassion. Unfortunately there has been a clerical error on the system and I'm unable to write to you without your sponsors honour. Lots of children were assigned and affected by this and unfortunately this has affected us. Know that God always does things and things happen for a reason .I am sad to say this is my final letter to you as your correspondent . Unfortunately many of us were affected but Always know Etienne we will always love you and you will be in my heart . I will always think and pray for you and your family . I know you hadn't received many letters but i really hope your sponsor writes to you lots . If your sponsor doesn't write to you i have asked compassion to leave a space open so that we can write again one day. That's  if your sponsor doesn't write! ! Always  know we love you very much and i pray that one day we get the chance to write again. I cannot believe after such a beautiful letter that i had received that I have to say a final goodbye. I was very sad to know i couldn't write to you anymore unless your sponsor Honours me that. I have felt sadness but pray to God because maybe Etienne it will mean  that your sponsor will write much more than they had . Or if they hadn't written lets hope that it will start a blossoming relationship with your sponsor. I would have loved to visit you one day Etienne. My health was very bad last year I had a type of cancer so I would have waited a while before I visited . If that day ever comes i will give you a big hug .!!!  I will always remember you and you will forever have a place in our family hearts . I pray that your life is happy path and that your wishes come true . I will pray for you're schooling is fantastic for you and that you achieve your dreams and goals . Always be a good boy and one day you will truly be a man of god . Always have big dreams in your heart and try your hardest to succeed in your life . When you're feeling upset and miss me look at this letter and know that we loved you and still love you very much.  I am so heartbroken because I know we would have loved writing more to each other . I hope one day we can drink mango drink together and chat . Always Have happy times make lots of friends and be a very fine young man of god .  I know your heart is  good and please follow your dreams in life as god has you in his palm  .Its so important that you grow up to do good things and have a good heart . we love you very much Etienne and I wish I didn't have to say goodbye  . Bye for Now from your loving correspondent Sonia , jay and caleb . Big hugs to you from us all  with all our love and prayers xxxxx we will always keep your photo xxx

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Letter 4 Manna 4 Lempira fist letter to Scarleth

To our Dearest Princess Scarleth 
I am looking forward to getting to know you Scarleth and your twin sister and I'm so happy to 
write this letter to you today . My name is Sonia and I am 46 and celebrate my birthday on the
 1 St. of May . My husbands name is jay and we have 4 children . When I received your profile and see photos, I thought you have the face of an angel and looked forward to writing to you .Your mummy and daddy must be so proud of you .I hope we can write many letters to each other and each get to know more about each other and our families. I am so happy to be your sponsor and you will join my family of extended children that I write to and Sponsor.  I write too 94 children all over the world and I praise God that I have the great fortune to write in the place of other sponsors that are unable to write to their children through an organisation called Compassion .Jay and I have 4 children we have 3 daughters and 1 son . Our children names are Abbey (age 27), Imogen  (age 20), Bronte (age 23 )and caleb (age 13 years) old. Caleb refers to you as his little sister which i think is really sweet. What is your brothers name ? I know your sisters name and I'm so pleased to hear she was sponsored too. I have seen some very beautiful photos from Kim and others that travelled to Honduras at the same time. I have your wonderful hand print which i am going to proudly frame and put on hang on wall at home.Your mummy and daddy must very proud of you and we are so proud of everything you do and achieve. We live in the United Kingdom in a small market town of Huntingdon. Huntingdon is a very pretty town with some shops and either end of the centre are two beautiful churches. They are very old churches and inside they have the most beautiful stained glass windows and when the sunlight shines through it is very pretty. To the north of our town we have a beautiful river flowing through.It is one of the largest rivers in the United Kingdom and so beautiful .Often we have seen beautiful swans gliding down the river with there beautiful wings flared out  and ducks with there little ducklings. Often you see them bobbing up and down with the flow of the river . Also sometimes i have seen large Dragonflies that are beautiful when they swoop across the top of the water. The water shines in the summer like diamonds in the sunlight as the rays of sun shine reflect on the water. 
My favourite hobbies are photography , social media , reading , spending time with family and watching tv . I love to sit in the garden when the weather is pleasant but i do have to be careful as my skin is sensitive to the sun recently. The weather has been incredible during the summer but just recently we have had amount of rain . At night because there is much ambient light in our garden we often see lots of stars . I love to see the different cloud formations and look at the sky . Some early evenings we have taken some lovely photos of the sky looking beautiful with streaks of orange and pink  through the sky. Caleb loves it when the sky looks pretty and has also taken photographs
when he has the opportunity he also likes to look at the stars look at the stars . Caleb has just had a school summer break for 6 weeks then he goes back to study his GCSE chosen subjects. Caleb is fortunate he will get to study his subjects a year early than normal .I would love to learn more about where you live and what you love about your country :-) I really hope i will get the opportunity to visit you one day and get the chance to meet , talk  and learn more about your town.  I  will give you the biggest Hug and i hope maybe my husband and son will visit with me . I need to pray more and ask the lord to help save money to make that visit .  
If you had 3 wishes scarleth what would your wishes be . Do you have lots of friends ? I  imagine you and your sister have lots of friends to play with. Do you have a best Friend ? Perhaps you will tell me what you love to do in your spare time  We want you to know Scarleth  that we love you very much and we will pray for you and your family . You will always be a part of our family and we look forward to hearing from you very soon Scarleth.  May god keep you in his heart and bless you and all of your family.  Sending all love and hugs to you From sonia, jay caleb xxxxx we love you very much and you will always be our little princess